She’s Got “The Look”

This post was most recently updated on May 18th, 2015I have a lot few pet peeves:  Poor grammar and other language blunders; people who insist on telling me the entire plot of a movie or TV show; having to repeat myself because the object of my conversation wasn’t paying attention … these are some of the top things that irritate me beyond reason.  Lately, well, for about the past 11 years or so, there has Continue Reading

Time Flies

This post was most recently updated on May 18th, 2015When I was a kid, I often heard this expression but never really understood what it meant.  Now that I’m an adult, and especially a parent, I am keenly aware of the rapid passing of time. This week we celebrated my youngest son’s first birthday.  And I swear to you it was only a couple of months ago that he arrived.  I cannot wrap my head Continue Reading

Let’s Talk About Sex

This post was most recently updated on May 17th, 2015Whoo!  Got your attention, didn’t I?  You naughty thing … Well, maybe you’re not naughty.  Maybe you’re just like me – a mom/business owner/wife who doesn’t have as much time/freedom/privacy to partake in the, um, more romantic parts of your relationship as you did several years and four kids ago.  And maybe, like me, you find yourself thinking, from time to time, “Wouldn’t it be nice Continue Reading

Milestones and Memories

This post was most recently updated on May 17th, 2015There are many milestones in a person’s life – moments that change who you want to be or how you think or even how you live your life. There are the big moments, like living on your own for the first time or becoming a parent. But there are many smaller ones, too. I’ve always been a person who puts a lot of stock into the Continue Reading

The Great Squash Mutiny

This post was most recently updated on May 17th, 2015Over the past several years, my husband and I have made changes in our lifestyle designed to allow us more freedom – both financially and time-wise. We moved out of a town where the taxes and utility costs were sky high, into a much smaller house in the country where living expenses are lower. We paid off our cars and kept them, rather than trading them Continue Reading

Order from Chaos

This post was most recently updated on May 17th, 2015I like order. I like schedules, lists, calendars, neatly filed papers, organized pantries, folded laundry and tidy surfaces. I am, unfortunately, the only member of my household who feels this way. My husband has never met a flat surface he didn’t want to cover with piles of stuff. This is why, if you were to visit my home, you would wonder, “Where are the end tables Continue Reading